Getting Started with Google Play Integrity API in Node.jsThe Google Play Integrity API is a powerful tool for ensuring the integrity of your Android apps on the Google Play Store. While the…Sep 28, 20232Sep 28, 20232
Published inOYE! EngineeringSwitch from Gradle Groovy to Kotlin DSL: AndroidThe new way to manage dependencies in android using Kotlin DSL.Jul 16, 2021Jul 16, 2021
What to do when life is turning around?Their will come a time, which will require a massive change and you will be not be the same person ever. We might have been around these…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Published inOYE! RickshawSay ‘Hi’ to our latest app updateOYE! Rider App —v3.0.0Nov 15, 2019Nov 15, 2019
Singly Linked ListIf you have not read about my previous post about LinkedList, navigate straight to…Mar 5, 2019Mar 5, 2019
SMS Retriever API — Saviour from SMS Permission and Call LogIf your Android app has been available on play store and uses the very nice feature of SMS based user verification or has permission of…Jan 5, 20193Jan 5, 20193